The dramatic scenery of Mount Pinatubo can be visited on a (very long) day trip from Manila, or you can stay in the vicinity for a more in-depth exploration. The adventure starts at the 4WD station, from where you will be taken to the Abacan River, where the local Aeta community have taken up planting cassava on parts of this fertile area. You will also see the resettlement site where this community set up residence after being displaced by the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo. Afterwards move on to Sacobia Lahar Grand Canyan, where towering cliffs form a maze of ravines and walls. Later you will find yourselves in front of the “Gate of Heaven" - a small passageway formed between two huge boulders that sit in the middle of the river. Trekking along the thick layer of grey volcanic ash and mud, where local plants and wild sunflowers grow profusely providing a bright contrast to the stark grey landscape, you will arrive at a waterfall beside the crater’s base camp. Here you will find a refreshing relief from the heat with sun-warmed waters soothing tired muscles. Take a dip and sample the waters of the surrounding hot and cold springs. Lunch will be served in a local restaurant and afterwards you will visit Pasig Portrero River's ‘Watch Tower’. Shortly afterwards you will cross the Pasig Portrero River to visit the ‘robot’ landmark and witness the sunken homes, buildings and church which were all buried by Mount Pinatubo's wrath.