Climb Mount Wilhelm

For the fit, and adventurous, a climb up Mount Wilhelm is one of the most exciting reasons for visting Papua New Guinea's highland region as the views from the summit are truly spectacular. The ascent up the mountain will take 3-4 days with the pace starting reasonably slowly but culminating in a 12 hour walk on the final day as you reach the summit. The climb is not technical, and no serious mountaineering gear is required, so it is open to all ages. However participants should be physically fit and in good shape as it can be considered a demanding climb due to the physical exertion needed and the likely effect of altitude as you near the summit.

The ascent will take you though beautiful terrain along the way with open grassland, and fern forests, on the early slopes and granite bolders predominating as you get closer to the summit. Accommodation on the climb ranges from the very basic to the just basic - so you need to be a hardy traveller to attempt the climb of Mount Wilhelm but your reward, on reaching the summit, will be stunning views overlooking the highland provinces of Simbu, Jiwaka and the coastal province of Madang. 

The climb of Mount Wilhelm is best attempted in the dry season so the best months to do it would be May to October.

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