Minshuku Daikichi
A ‘Minshuku’ is a small family-run guesthouse, a sort of Japanese style bed & breakfast. Whilst the accommodation in most Minshukus is quite simple (plain rooms with traditional futon style beds), the overall experience can be very rewarding and they tend to be a great way to meet local families and imerse yourselves in the local lifestyle.
Tsumago’s only accommodation is in one of a small number of Minshukus, all of which offer a similar standard of accommodation. When available, we prefer to use the Daikichi, which is known for its warm welcome and local cuisine. It has only five rooms and a shared bathroom.
- Style: Minshuku (small family-run guesthouse)
- Location: Kiso Valley
- No. of Rooms: 5
- Key Features: Family run, Home cooked dinner
Our Opinion
A delightful family-run guesthouse offering some true Japanese hospitality. The included evening meal is a real highlight with some interesting local specialties!