Health requirements for Oman

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If you are planning a holiday in Oman, you should be aware that the biggest risk to your health when you are there is de-hydration. Temperatures are consistently high in Oman as you can see from the ‘when to travel to Oman’ section of our website. Be sure to keep a bottle of drinking water handy at all times during your holiday in Oman and make sure you keep yourself well hydrated. Extreme sun-protection measures are also advised and you should apply sunscreen regularly and make every attempt to shield your skin from the sun whenever possible.

Although no compulsory vaccinations are needed for entry to Oman, we advise you to consult your GP or local health centre before embarking on a tour of Oman to make sure you are up-to-date with your vaccinations for Typhoid, Tetanus, Polio and Hepatitis. If you are spending a long time in remote parts of Oman, a rabies vaccination may also be recommended. Although it is always best to speak to a health professional, the following NHS website is a useful resource when travelling to any country:

For further information MASTA operate travel clinics across the UK and provide a free travel
health brief on their website or get in touch with the Hospital for Tropical Diseases via their website