Kelabit Highlands
Isolated until World War II, the interior communities of the Sarawak highlands had little contact with the outside world. The only means of travelling to or from the coast was to walk along forest trails for seven to ten days. Today daily Twin Otter flights to the small village of Bario offer a more convenient way of reaching the centre of the highlands.
Locally famous for the tasty rice grown in the paddy fields surrounding the village, Bario is the starting point for a number of treks which take in the unique culture of the local people. The treks follow trails bordered by pitcher plants and orchids, and pass ancient Kelabit megaliths. Visit longhouses where there will be the chance to meet and interact with the local Kelabits and discover local legends and rituals.
Due to the limited infrastructure, the Kelabit Highlands is a destination which is suitable only for the physically fit and enthusiastic trekkers.
On a recent trip to Sarawak, Ewen, one of the Bamboo team, spent some time exploring this region, click on the following link to read his blog 'Trekking in the Kelabit Highlands'.